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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Traffic is a pain here in Cayenne. I have the perspective of passenger, cyclist, and pedestrian, and it is hell no matter what. I'll share a few of my experiences.

For starters, pedestrians and cyclists are not unanimous as to what is the proper side of the street. This isn't different from the U.S. but there seem to be so many more of them here. And it's frustrating to be riding my bike and I have to go around the pedestrians, IF of course there's enough room between me and the cars speeding along. Or as a pedestrian, to be walking along and all of a sudden have a bike whiz by is quite startling.

Today, on the bus, we were riding along and then we got into town where the streets were clogged. People were parked on both sides of the streets and then a tractor-trailer came towards us. The bus and the truck managed to thread the needle, coming within inches of each other. The bus driver then got a bit cocky and drove off, only to hit a parked car 30 seconds later. Like any responsible driver, he backed up, straightened out, and fled the scene.

This, combined with the ridiculously high gas prices that just went up by 5 eurocents the other day, is why I am reluctant to drive here.

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