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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My last day

Today was my last day, and it was spent tying up some loose ends. I went to the Haitian consulate to say good-bye and thank you to the consul, but he was out of the country. Which was odd because I spoke to one of his co-workers just yesterday and I told her I was going to stop by to say good-bye to him and she said, "Sounds great! See you tomorrow!" Anyhow, I went from there to the market to pick up a couple souvenirs from the lady who called me family a couple days ago. She wished me a good trip back and we said our good-byes.

Then from there, I went to a friend's house to make lunch, a calalou. It wasn't as good as the last time I made it, but everyone was very polite and ate it. This family has been very welcoming, and one of them in particular has been really helpful in rounding up participants, so I wanted to do something nice. It was also the birthday of the youngest child, who turned 13, so they suggested I bake a cake. I asked what kind of cake he wanted and he said "An American cake." So I gave him the choice between a carrot cake and a banana cake, and he chose banana. I went with his sister to get the ingredients (trying to find a suitable replacement for cream cheese isn't easy), then we went home and baked the cake. I went home while they went to church, I bought a soccer ball as a gift, then came back with the frosting. They loved the cake, and even did my family's tradition of placing a glass in the center and using that piece for the birthday boy. All in all, a very nice last day. Later in the week, I'll write a final entry reflecting on the whole two months.

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