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Friday, April 15, 2011

More food

Another market, another chance to explore the cuisine of Cayenne.

This is a grositron 'large lemon', basically a lime the size of a large orange.

These are maripa. I know nothing about them.

This is lyann amè, or 'bitter vine'. It's a spice but again, don't know much about it.

These are parépou or peach-palm fruits. They're a local specialty (and were actually featured on this blog last year). You soak them and boil them in saltwater to eat them.

These are ponm sitè 'Cyther apples', a local fruit often used for juice.

These are called chateny, which translates as 'chestnuts' but it's not the same food.

I can't remember the word for this fruit that looks like grapes but has a consistency closer to that of cherries.

These are babadin. Again, I don't know what they're like.

And finally, some views from the fish market. These fish are gigantic at times. It's really impressive.

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