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Sunday, April 10, 2011


I know I've been in French Guiana too long when I feel cold. Normally, I'm so overheated that I have to have the fan on full-blast and even with the fan on and shirtless, I still sweat profusely. The only times I feel cold are when I'm in a room with air-conditioning or when I have to get something out of the freezer. But today, I felt legitimately cold. I was on the beach playing soccer at around 8 a.m. It was hellish because unlike last week when the sand was wet, packed, and flat, this week the sand was dry, loose, and had a lot of give. This made it impossible to run effectively, created random holes where the ball would just settle instead of continuing on to its inteneded recipient, and generally just exhausted us. Add to that the fact that it was raining, we were all in just shorts or bathing suits, and I'm a highly unpredictable soccer player (I basically just wind up messing things up for both teams), and it was a rough morning. But the worst part was that at the end of the game, besides having all of our clothes totally soaked from the rain, was that I ended up cold. And it didn't let up. All day long, I sat around with long pants on. Long pants! I actually had to open my suitcase just to find them. And when I went out to come to the internet café, I even considered wearing a spring jacket. My blood is thinning. I've been here too long. Just a couple more weeks though.

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