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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Finally, the project I set out to do during this visit is done. I have all the interviews i need for the pilot portion. It wasn't always smooth, but it worked out.

For starters, when I got there, I was surprised to find that not only was the building open, but there were lots of people there. This in spite of the fact that when I asked specifically if the building would be open this week, I was told that it would be totally deserted. So instead of having to do the interviews outside, we were able to do them indoors, although they refused to open any rooms to help me out. And the interviews went fairly smoothly, although almost everyone was late, and I had to turn away a bunch of people because they turned up too late, after we had started the interviews. But I was able to use the camcorders, which was good because at times the voice recorders apparently shut off on their own.

So tonight and tomorrow I can just tie up loose ends, getting ready to come home Thursday!

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