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Monday, July 12, 2010


I woke up today with no appointments but a desire to work, so I packed up and went to the beach with my notebook and suntan lotion in my backpack. Unfortunately, by the time I got to the beach it was raining. I don't know if I've complained much about the rain. Mostly it's just drizzles, which is actually quite a relief from the oppressive heat (although it's still quite stuffy out with the rain). But occasionally, there are nights like last night, where it just pours. This video was taken just after I completed a blog post last week.

That rain kept me here an extra hour because I'd forgotten my umbrella. Finally I just gave in and got soaked.

The other disappointing part of the beach is that I haven't seen any turtles. This is supposed to be the end of the egg-laying season for the biggest of the turtles, so I shouldn't be too surprised, but I keep hoping against hope that I'll see some turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs.

On the bright side, I did see this tree, known as a kapok or ceiba tree (in French: un fromager). It only blooms every few years, so I'm glad I got to see the flowers.

I also happened to see these crabs. I watched them scatter about around this drain pipe and the stream it flowed into. Mesmerizing.

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