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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cultural Museum

I had planned to spend this morning at the Museum of French Guianese Cultures. However, it was so small, I could only spend about a half-hour there. There was some neat stuff though, including hats that were about 3 feet wide (not pictured) and a vase with a cool face on it. I'll go back next time I'm down here to take more pictures and copy down some words for a future dictionary project.

Then, since I had extra time and the library was closed, I went shopping at the big sales. It was disappointing. Not a lot of good selections, especially for sandals (which I really want).

Then, since my work for the rest of the week depends on others' availability, and since they're not available until later in the week, I had nothing else to do, so I watched soccer and cleaned my room. I also read the newspaper, because the lead story was Cayenne: 2nd richest city in France. And I can tell you, you would never guess that there was any real wealth from being downtown, as demonstrated by this fairly typical building.

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