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Friday, July 16, 2010


My last few posts have been short, and this one will likely not be an exception. Without a means to put up pictures, I have less to discuss in each post. Also, my days are becoming increasingly mundane. Yesterday, I spent several hours in a laundromat. I was able to use the internet there, though, which was nice. I paid almost 10€ for one washing load and one drying load (with a price only slightly elevated because of the internet-- my landlords charge 8€ for the same amount).

This morning, with nothing scheduled, I went back to the library to look at some books that would be helpful. Rather than actually reading most of them, I just skimmed and then took down their citation information, so that I could order them through the library or through Amazon, if I thought they were particularly valuable. I'm hoping to spend this fall doing background reading on the region and on immigration particularly. That should help put things in context better.

In a few minutes, I'm going to have an elicitation session with a professor of English who works on phonetics (the actual sounds of a language), so we're going to go over some sentence types and figure out a few basic intonation patterns. Then, my other Creole teacher will come pick me up and then I think we might go exploring, possibly to Kourou (home to the space center) if it's not too far.

In any event, I'm super eager to get home. I'm already packed, souvenirs for immediate family have been purchased (others will have to wait for my return trip-- I can only afford to take one suitcase with the new luggage prices, multiplied by two since I've got two separate flights). In less than 5 days, I'll be back in my bed with a wide selection of clean clothing to wear. Life will be good.

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