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Friday, July 9, 2010

Elicitation session

So today I met with a teacher of Guianese French Creole, a very nice man who spent a couple hours talking to me. We made a map of the different towns in the region, labelled different body parts (eyeball: coconut-eye; iris: middle-eye; pupil: middle-middle-eye), and also went over focus structures, which have a lot in common with Haitian, but have a few important differences (nerd alert: in Haitian, you cannot extract more than the main verb to put it in focus, so you'd have to say something equivalent to She started to run; in this creole, you HAVE to extract the all the verbs, so you have to say something equivalent to She started to run). In any event, it was very useful. I now have to prepare a new set of things to ask about for a future session, because this one lasted twice as long as expected. Tomorrow I have another interview, so I'm hoping that will go well.

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