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Monday, July 5, 2010

Long day

Today, Jorge and I went to the doctor so he could have an exam done. Once he was under anesthesia, I went exploring and came across one of the hikes in my guide. It was hard! A LOT of uphill climbing, loose soil going down hill, hot sun, and hard to follow paths. And honestly, it wasn't worth it. But there were a couple of nice views. There was also a pilgrimage site, but since people were there worshipping, I didn't take pictures, except for the one of the lit candles (in the forest, around dried leaves...). The path led to a beach, which was a nice place to relax and prepare some elicitation materials, mainly drawings of faces and parts of the body. (nerd alert) I'm trying to find out the names for a lot of 'unimportant' body parts, such as the pupil, fingerprints, cuticles, etc., as well as the names for the different fingers.

I went back to the hospital and the doctor was very impatient with us. He spoke to us for no more than 5 minutes, mainly just telling us that there was nothing in the test and that we should leave.

Note: there were going to be pictures, but the internet here is telling me no.

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