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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Long day

I went to a party late last night with the woman from my building. To sxay I had fun would be an overstatement, but people were nice and one of them even promised to give my number to the person who wrote the last grammar of the local creole, immortalized in the name of this school ( I got home entirely too late and I decided to sleep in.

I woke up this morning and I thought Jorge and I would make a quick stop at the pharmacy and then I'd go food shopping and have a relaxing day. But it turns out all the pharmacies in Cayenne are closed on Sundays. So we had to go one town over, where there was an open one (French law requires that at least one pharmacy within a certain radius be open at all times). We went to the Haitian priest's office to see if he was going in that direction. And there was someone there that volunteered to take us. So we went, and it's about a 20 minute drive. We got there and Jorge said he forgot the prescription at the priest's office. So we call the priest, who's gone, having told his friend to come from 50 minutes away to open the office to get the prescription. So we waited for over an hour, and then, once the prescription arrived we were fifth in line, with each prescription taking a half hour to fill. And then we had to wait another hour for someone to take us home (who was very nice and might help me with the project). In short, a grueling day.

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