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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Sunday was one of those rare times where inattention to detail pays off. I had bought a ticket to French Guiana from Indy in order avoid the debacle of the last trip where the domestic flights were with one airline and the international trips were with another, and one leg was cancelled (you can read more about it in a post just a few posts ago). What I didn't notice about the first leg of the trip was that it had me arriving in Miami almost 24 hours before my next flight. So that meant I got to spend the day with my aunt, uncle, and cousin who I hadn't seen in about 5 years.

It was a fun, low-key day. We caught up on the last few years, had a civil conversation about politics (how often does THAT happen nowadays?), watched "The Fighter" (excellent movie) then the Oscars (I haven't seen an awards show that boring since Bryant Gumbel hosted the Emmys). It was just really nice to be able to spend time together.

My uncle took me to the airport early Monday morning, and from there, I had a boring, uneventful trip. I arrived too late to take the shuttle to downtown, so a very friendly taxi driver took me downtown to a hotel that's extremely barebones but is safe and near a supermarket. He also told me that Cayenne is going to celebrate Carnaval this coming Sunday. Already, I've seen kids (and their parents) walking around with Carnaval costumes. I'll take lots of pictures, and I'll also have my camcorders with me to post videos. I'll post again tonight, but now I have to go fix my phone. (Intrigued? Wait for tonight's post.)

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