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Friday, March 18, 2011

Objets trouvés

In English, the place we look when we lose something in a particular public places is called the ‘lost and found’ while in French it’s the ‘objets trouvés’, or ‘found objects’. Today was full of good finds. I found my USB key (which I had left in the internet café the night before, but recovered it because the employees had put it in the —you guessed it— lost and found). While I was in town, I did a bit of shopping. The first thing I did was buy two shirts, because I’m going through clothing rather quickly down here, and since I no longer have the habit of washing my clothes in the shower to save money, I figured it would be good to save Dominique a bit of money and get a couple of cheap, quick-drying shirts (9 € apiece from the ‘All for 5 €’ store. Psh). I then did some comparison price shopping for items for my bike, and I’m very glad I did because the first place I looked was particularly expensive. Then, with a bit of time to kill before the bus came, I decided to go to the market. While I was there I saw these, called durians.

They are large (about the size of a honeydew) and so prickly that I couldn’t even hold one comfortably. So the merchant let me try a teeny tiny piece free of charge. The texture is almost like that of an avocado (complete with the large pit) but the taste is really quite distinctive. After she was so nice (and the fruit so good), I decided to buy some pre-cut durians and the merchant not only knocked a euro off the price, but she let me take pictures of that fruit and also this one,

which I didn’t bother buying this time because I’d spent enough money. With still more time left, I went to the university library, told the librarians what I was doing there. They helped me find some studies that I hadn’t seen before. So I stuck around and read the studies, including one on relativization, roughly, joining two sentences by putting one inside the other, as in the sentence before this one. I came home feeling refreshed, and I am pleased with the day’s finds.

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