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Friday, March 11, 2011

Chillaxing all cool

Today I just took a bit of time for myself. I slept in after a late night, skipped my morning exercise, and walked to town, where I saw a HUGE bird flying overhead.

I went to the market, where I picked up some peanut punch—shockingly good. I also perused some of these prints, which I’m thinking about buying.

Jorge is leaving soon and I’m going to prepare an ‘American’ meal for him and our friends on Sunday, so while at the market I checked out what was available for big meal. I’m really not used to cooking ‘American’ cuisine, and it was hard to think of what he’d like. As a result I think I’ll be making chicken in Coke gravy and onion soup potatoes, along with some carrots and peas.
I came home in time for lunch, where Dominique, her partner Alex, and I had a great conversation. We talked about a whole range of things, including creolization of language and culture, the role of memory in French society (specifically, they were telling me how the French place a huge emphasis on remembering the Holocaust but try to tell the residents and descendants of their former slave colonies to forget about the wrongs done to them), and the history of the Amerindians and the Deaf in France. I did a few dictionary entries, and came back to town.

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