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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Still searching…

Another day, another night stuck in the hotel. After hitting something of a dead end with ideas for finding a place, I decided to de-stress a little. First, on my way to the market, I decided to pick up a newspaper to look in the classifieds (which were barren), but when buying the paper, I mentioned my plight (yes, apartment hunting can be called a ‘plight’) to the owner/cashier. He actually rents out a room, but it was currently occupied. He took my name and number and told me he’d call me if he stumbled upon anything. At the market, I bought for bananas for lunch/stress-eating. I also found these, called ‘ramboutans’ (pronounced kind of like ‘rom bhutan’), but I haven’t worked up the courage to actually eat them.

After that I went to the cybercafé. Once there, in a burst of ingenuity (or at least in a quick fizzle of it) I decided to check the Interwebs. Lo and/or behold, I was able to find a bunch of listings on, French Guiana’s answer to Craigslist without the creepy personal ads. I sent off five or six e-mails to people, so hopefully I’ll receive answers soon: All the ads I responded to were posted in the last week, so there’s a good chance that something’s available and in my price range.
I made a quick stop at a couple of bookstores to pick up a couple of books to help with the dictionary project, which occupies my downtime. I even picked up a copy of The Little Prince, recently translated into Guianese French Creole. For the rest of the day, I hung out either in my hotel or in the house of Jorge’s friend (where I had a homemade fish dinner), working on the dictionary for most of the time.
Let me know in comments if you liked the previous video entry. They’re quite quick and easy to make, and I think they provide a nice change of pace. But let me know what you think.

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