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Saturday, March 12, 2011


I think the blog has taken on a very different tone from the last trip. Last time I was here, there was a bit more discussion of the different facets of life here, and I think that's disappeared as I've gotten accustomed to life down here. I miss that bit of complete naïveté. Now I'm mostly deling with expected obstacles. I'm also here for quite a bit longer this time, so I don't feel like I'm running around in circles trying to figure out how to proceed. Things just aren't that chaotic. I have worked hard to not be complacent, getting paperwork in order, making connections, though I still feel like I'm a ways off from getting the interviews organized. I don't think I'll have difficulty setting them up, but I'm a bit concerned that I won't get enough people to show up. Still, I have six weeks to get 8 people to show up for interviews, so if I make a bit of progress next week recruiting interviewers, I'll be okay.

In any event, today I spent the day downtown with friends. I went to the market and picked up stuff for tomorrow's meal, as well as a couple of new fruits that I'll post pictures of tomorrow, after I make them into juice. And the time I spent downtown was quite productive, getting some work done that had been neglected.

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