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Thursday, August 11, 2011


Apologies to those who came here yesterday looking for a post. The server was not working.

After a few food-heavy posts early on, I've shied away from them for two reasons. The first is that my dishes haven't been either pretty or particularly distinctive. The second is that the market has had disappointingly few new foods that haven't appeared on this blog. In a way, it makes sense because I've been here at this general time of year before, but still I was hoping for more. And today, I found some!

First we'll start with the cucumbers.

This is called a long cucumber. It's kind of an understatement. This is a massive cucumber, stretching to at least 16 inches (and this is a small one of this species).

This one is a konkonm tochon, or rag cucumber. Notice the ridges. The skin is very tough while the inside is soft and bland. I'm not a fan.

These cucumbers have appeared on the blog before: konkonm pikan, or spicy cucumbers. They earn their name.

Lastly, here's a comparison shot of the different cucumbers, including a regular one, for comparison.

Onto the fruits. This fruit is a zabriko or abriko péyi; in English its name is usually a variation of mammey. I haven't tried it yet, but I've heard it's good.

These are kénèt or Spanish limes. They are the size of cherries. They have a crispy, easily removable peel, and the flesh is a small layer wrapped around a comparatively large seed (probably three times the size of a cherry pit). Good flavor, bad texture.

Finally these are mari-tanbou, or "water lemons" in English. They are basically just a different kind of passionfruit, with the same sour taste. With sugar, they are very good though.

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