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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Birthday party

Last night I went to a birthday party for a six year old, but unlike most kids’ birthday parties, this one really seemed to be more for the adults. Lots of food, including a pork fricassee and French fries. But I think the highlight of the evening was the cake ceremony. Unfortunately I won’t be posting any of the pictures, because I don’t have permission. But basically, they lit those self-reigniting candles for the kid, sang Happy Birthday (Creole translation of the lyrics: Apre bèf la se ou ‘After the cow, it’s you’— I’ll find out what the hell that means some other time), and then right at the end of the song, they opened up a bottle of either champagne or sparkling grape juice and sprayed the kid with it, exhorting him to blow out the candles. I for one HATED the “magic candles”; in fact I’m pretty sure I cried when they were deployed on me.  And if I had just been sprayed, I think I would have seriously flipped out. But the kid took it all in stride. I was impressed.

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