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Saturday, July 23, 2011


Today did not go as expected. What was supposed to be a quick trip to the market got prolonged by a couple hours, after I ran into Jorge, who insisted on spending time together. The fact that it was was raining cats and dogs made it all the more necessary to stay with him in dry places. From there I went home to put away the veggies and fruits I'd bought at the market and headed to a friend's house, the same family I spent my final evening with on the last trip. I expected to only spend a couple hours there, and I ended up spending the whole day there, catching up, talking about all sorts of things, meeting a friend and possible subject.

Then I ran home because I was starving and they clearly were not making dinner for themselves. So I went home and had shark. Again, delicious. Although I think there might have been a piece of scuba gear in it. I don't really know.

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