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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Colombo de cabri

I’m going to try to avoid letting this blog devolve into cataloging what I eat every night, but I’m making some different stuff now. Half of it is trying to perfect it before I get home and have to figure out what is going into my dinner rotation; the other half is eating as much stuff that is unavailable at home. Tonight’s dinner is halfway between the two. It is a goat curry. I was at the market on Saturday and I saw fresh goat for sale, which you pretty much don’t find here except once in a blue moon. It was $14/lb, so I decided to treat myself to a half a pound, figuring I could stretch that out to a dinner and a lunch portion. This curry’s veggies include eggplant, green beans, wild spinach, and to my surprise, cucumbers. I rarely see recipes that call for cucumbers to be cooked. They ended up tasting like jarred pickles. Anyway, here’s a picture of the final product, along with the cookbook that gave me the recipe. 

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